Якісних мінусовок
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Детальніше про те - як купити мінусовку?
I know how to hurt
I know how to kill
I know what to show
And what to conceal
I know when to talk
And I know when to touch
No one ever died from
wanting too much
The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect
place to start, my love
And if you're strong enough
Together we can take
the world apart, my love
People like us
Know how to survive
There's no point in living
If you can't feel
the life
We know when to kiss
And we know when to kill
If we can't have it all
Then nobody will
I...I feel sick
I...I feel scared
I...I feel ready
And heaven prepare
The world is not enough
The world is not enough
Голос. Діти 5 сезон
Голос Діти 5 сезон
Сушко Катя
Ангеліна Глогусь
Sarah Brightman
Степан Гіга
Винник Олег
Народна весільна
Еней (гурт)
Скорпіон Роман
Івасюк Володимир
Студія звукозапису Протон
Domijan Darko
Експрес (студія)
Монатік(Голос діти фінал)
Собко Маша
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