Якісних мінусовок
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Детальніше про те - як купити мінусовку?
One can have a dream baby
Two can make the dream so real
One can talk about living love
Two can see how it really feels
One can wish upon a star
Two can make a wish come true
One can stand alone in the dark
Two can make the light shine through
It takes two baby it takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two
One can have a broken heart
Livin' in misery
Two can really ease the pain
That's a perfect remedy
One can be alone in a bar
Like an island here all alone
Two can make just any place
Seem just like being at home
It takes two baby it takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two
It takes two baby it takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two
It takes two baby it takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two
One can go out to the movies
Looking for a special treat
Two can make that scene in the movies
Something really kinda neat
And one can take a walk in the moonlight
Thinking that's it's really nice
But two lovers walking hand in hand
Is like adding just a pinch of spice
It takes two baby it takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two
It takes two baby it takes two baby
Just me and you
You know it takes two
Голос. Діти 5 сезон
Голос Діти 5 сезон
Сушко Катя
Ангеліна Глогусь
Sarah Brightman
Степан Гіга
Винник Олег
Народна весільна
Еней (гурт)
Скорпіон Роман
Івасюк Володимир
Студія звукозапису Протон
Domijan Darko
Експрес (студія)
Монатік(Голос діти фінал)
Собко Маша
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